Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Future of Digital Security

Photo of the D-Wave quantum computer (Klarreich).

The creation of quantum computers will offer the ability to carry out complex calculations in record speed. This increased calculation capability will be revolutionary to science and technology, but there are also negatives associated with quantum computers and their implications. Specifically traditional forms of security and encryption will cease to be useful (McMahone). Quantum computers will be able to decipher RSA encryption and MD5 Hashes in just seconds; tasks that would have taken traditional computers years to billions of years to decode. In that sense the creation of a functioning quantum computer is essentially an arms race with the first victor being able to decrypt all off their enemies encoded transmissions or any interchange of digital information around the globe (McMahone). For that reason danger associated with quantum computers are very real and potentially devastating.

Example of encrypted data traveling in quantum bit pairs. 
Data stored by electron orientation.

With every new creation there is also opportunity for innovation and new possibilities. One such opportunity that has already been theorized is quantum cryptography or the encryption of electrons at the quantum level. There are several different ways that quantum cryptography could be carried out and is still only theoretical at this point. Most quantum cryptography theories revolve around the principle that data can be carried on a single stream of electrons. Other theories focus on QKD or Quantum Key Distribution, but the core principles are effectively the same (Weiner). This concept of quantum cryptography is protected by a principle that dates all the way back to 1927, long before even traditional computers were invented and is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

 A very localized gaussian wave function of a free particle represented in two-dimensional space. The expanding waves represent increasing uncertainty in position with respect to time.

Within Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle there is an inter-related concept between position and momentum. The principle effectively states that you can know one or the other, but not both at the same time; at least not with any great precision (Wilkins). The reason for this is the way electrons travel is a cross between waves and particles at the quantum mechanical level. In order to determine the location of a traveling electron you must hit it with another electron to observe the interaction. This diverts the original electron and is why it is impossible to know both position and momentum at the same time (Uncertainty Principle). The faster moving the electron you use to hit the observational electron the more accurately you will know its position, but less accurately its speed. If a slower electron is used you will know the observational electrons momentum, but not its position. In both cases the original electron is diverted and its course altered; this is the basis for the theory behind quantum cryptography and how information can be safeguarded against intrusion from outside observers.

Quantum information would travel similar to lasers. 
To view the data would be to block the stream, destroying the information.

Should eavesdroppers try to listen in on or view any message the transmission would immediately be altered or broken and the stream would shuts down the transmission with zero bits of information being compromised (besides maximum message length). To even try viewing a quantum encryption stream is to destroy it (Quantum Cryptography). This is what makes quantum cryptography so powerful as a potential for future security and encryption processes.  The next generation of computers will offer extraordinary new opportunities and open up new possibilities, but one thing is for certain, the data of the future must be secured and protected and quantum cryptography is the future. 


"Quantum Cryptography." Wikipedia. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>. 

McMahone, Peter. “Introduction to Quantum Cryptography." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 8 Nov. 2014. Web. 16 Oct. 2015.

"Uncertainty Principle." Wikipedia. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>. 

Wilkins, Alasdair. "Quantum computers could overturn Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.”, 30 Aug 2010. Web. 17 Oct 2015. <>.

Klarreich, Erica. "Is That Quantum Computer for Real?” Quanta Magazine., 23 Aug 2013. Web. 17 Oct 2015. <>.

Weiner, Sophie "Quantum Internet Is The Most Secure Form Of Cryptography Yet”, 18 Sep 2014. Web. 17 Oct 2015. <>.

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