Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Future of Manufacturing

            The current population on earth is roughly 7 billion people and is estimated to be close to 9.6 billion by 2050. India and China are experiencing booming economies and as a result demand more raw resources to meet their economic demands. All of this puts a considerable pressure on our environment and manufacturing. On one hand we have booming demand and the other we have increasingly scarcity of resources. It is a recipe for disaster, but there has been theorized possibilities that may yield to what has been termed “Radical Abundance.”         

 Radical Abundance by Eric Drexler, the man 
that coined the term Nanotechnoloyg.

            Eric Drexler Is a former aerospace scientist from MIT that helped coin the term Nanotechnology and has written several books on the subject. Drexler’s newest book Radical Abundance highlights some of the problems with our concept of Nanotechnology and its applications. As Drexler puts it, a funny thing happened on the way to the future, and what he means is that the nanotechnology of today is not what he initially envisioned when he coined the term Nanotechnology. Instead what we largely see as the field of Nanotechnology is main materials engineering. These materials have been in the form of coatings, structures and surfaces that either have increased wetability or varying thermal conductivity properties. Eric Drexler feels that there is more potential for Nanotechnology to solve our problems and to usher in a new age of Radical Abundance though a new term he has termed Atomically Precise Manufacturing or APM. 

Liquipel is an example of how nanotechnoloy has
been used in materials science application. 

            Atomically Precise Manufacturing is the process of building and manufacturing perfect machines or components at the nanoscale. That means that every component would be atomically identical or without defect or irregularity. Drexler claims that this will lead to Radical Abundance because some of the best materials for building at the nanoscale are also the most abundant and cheapest: Materials such as carbon and aluminum. And manufacturing at the nanoscale also requires very little energy consumption which will yield to products that can be made cheaper and will less environmental impact compared to current forms of additive, subtractive or formative manufacturing processes that yield vast amounts of energy losses and material waste and scrap.

Subtractive manufacturing yields lots of scrap and waste.
Additive manufacturing is an improvement, but APM will be near zero waste (Swee).

            Drexler’s vision of the future isn’t all rosy though and there are very significant impacts that will occur as a result Atomically Precise Manufacturing. Drexler compares the impact of APM to a combination of the Industrial Revolution meeting the Digital Revolution. He anticipates factories will be decentralized, manufacturing will be on-shored (brought back from overseas), and entire industries will be born while others will be destroyed during the rapid deployment of this new concept of manufacturing.  Intellectual property laws will also be greatly impacted, as knowledge and concepts will be shared at an exponential rate. It is a form of economic destruction as products, manufacturing and supply changes will look different post industrialized manufacturing.

"Many people, including myself, are quite queasy 
about the consequences of this technology," ~ Eric Drexler

          Part of Drexler’s theory indicates that once the building blocks have been established the deployment and ability to scale this technology across the globe will be rapid and expansive. In the way that semiconductors started off slow and began to increase in advancement following Moore’s Law, Drexler believes that APM will follow the same rise after the concepts have been established and proven. As more factories and engineers accept the concepts and put APM into work, more innovations will occur leading to a second industrial revolution or the second machine age.

          It’s not all gloom though as Drexler points out. Part of Radical Abundance and APM will ensure that you have more than ever before! At near zero cost to manufacture and with little impact on the environment the potential is endless. There is also immense commercial opportunity for the development and deployment of this technology which will take several decades to refine. Either way, the future of manufacturing will look nothing like the way that we manufacture today.

Drexler, Eric. “How Nanotechnology Will Deliver Radical Abundance." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 3 Jul. 2015. Web. 31 Oct. 2015.

Liquipel. “What is Liquipel? How does it work?." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 27 Oct. 2011. Web. 31 Oct. 2015.

Dr. Mak, Swee. “Future Manufacturing Trends - Enabling Technologies and Innovation." Hunter Research Foundation. Hunter Research Foundation, Jun. 2014. 31 Oct 2015. <>.

"How nanotechnology is changing our world." Foresight Institute. Foresight Institute. 
Web. 31 Oct. 2015. <>.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy Nanoween

Caltech's Greg Ti carved a nanoscale pumpkin out of DNA 
origami tiles using an atomic force microscope.

Ti, Greg "Carved a nano pumpkin." Facebook.  27 Oct 2015. 29 Oct 2015. <>

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Future of Digital Security

Photo of the D-Wave quantum computer (Klarreich).

The creation of quantum computers will offer the ability to carry out complex calculations in record speed. This increased calculation capability will be revolutionary to science and technology, but there are also negatives associated with quantum computers and their implications. Specifically traditional forms of security and encryption will cease to be useful (McMahone). Quantum computers will be able to decipher RSA encryption and MD5 Hashes in just seconds; tasks that would have taken traditional computers years to billions of years to decode. In that sense the creation of a functioning quantum computer is essentially an arms race with the first victor being able to decrypt all off their enemies encoded transmissions or any interchange of digital information around the globe (McMahone). For that reason danger associated with quantum computers are very real and potentially devastating.

Example of encrypted data traveling in quantum bit pairs. 
Data stored by electron orientation.

With every new creation there is also opportunity for innovation and new possibilities. One such opportunity that has already been theorized is quantum cryptography or the encryption of electrons at the quantum level. There are several different ways that quantum cryptography could be carried out and is still only theoretical at this point. Most quantum cryptography theories revolve around the principle that data can be carried on a single stream of electrons. Other theories focus on QKD or Quantum Key Distribution, but the core principles are effectively the same (Weiner). This concept of quantum cryptography is protected by a principle that dates all the way back to 1927, long before even traditional computers were invented and is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

 A very localized gaussian wave function of a free particle represented in two-dimensional space. The expanding waves represent increasing uncertainty in position with respect to time.

Within Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle there is an inter-related concept between position and momentum. The principle effectively states that you can know one or the other, but not both at the same time; at least not with any great precision (Wilkins). The reason for this is the way electrons travel is a cross between waves and particles at the quantum mechanical level. In order to determine the location of a traveling electron you must hit it with another electron to observe the interaction. This diverts the original electron and is why it is impossible to know both position and momentum at the same time (Uncertainty Principle). The faster moving the electron you use to hit the observational electron the more accurately you will know its position, but less accurately its speed. If a slower electron is used you will know the observational electrons momentum, but not its position. In both cases the original electron is diverted and its course altered; this is the basis for the theory behind quantum cryptography and how information can be safeguarded against intrusion from outside observers.

Quantum information would travel similar to lasers. 
To view the data would be to block the stream, destroying the information.

Should eavesdroppers try to listen in on or view any message the transmission would immediately be altered or broken and the stream would shuts down the transmission with zero bits of information being compromised (besides maximum message length). To even try viewing a quantum encryption stream is to destroy it (Quantum Cryptography). This is what makes quantum cryptography so powerful as a potential for future security and encryption processes.  The next generation of computers will offer extraordinary new opportunities and open up new possibilities, but one thing is for certain, the data of the future must be secured and protected and quantum cryptography is the future. 


"Quantum Cryptography." Wikipedia. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>. 

McMahone, Peter. “Introduction to Quantum Cryptography." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 8 Nov. 2014. Web. 16 Oct. 2015.

"Uncertainty Principle." Wikipedia. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>. 

Wilkins, Alasdair. "Quantum computers could overturn Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.”, 30 Aug 2010. Web. 17 Oct 2015. <>.

Klarreich, Erica. "Is That Quantum Computer for Real?” Quanta Magazine., 23 Aug 2013. Web. 17 Oct 2015. <>.

Weiner, Sophie "Quantum Internet Is The Most Secure Form Of Cryptography Yet”, 18 Sep 2014. Web. 17 Oct 2015. <>.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Future of Materials

The invention of synthetic plastics in 1907 gave way to a materials
 revolution which forever changed product design and manufacturing. 
How will new material advancements shape our future? 

            The largest materials advancements that we have had over the last 100 years have primarily been contributed to plastics. One of the first synthetic plastics, Bakelite invented in 1907 by Leo Baekeland, opened up new possibilities for molding and manufacturing products. The world has never been the same since. But the technologies and materials that will define tomorrow won’t simply be combinations of cross-linked or self-skinning polymers, they will have to be materials designed and developed from the atom up to produce unique characteristics and properties. These materials will be engineered on the nanoscale and custom tailored for specific applications.

Buckminster Fuller, a pioneer of geodesics has a Carbon 60 nano particle 
named after him due to its resemblance of his spheres and domes.

            Some of the first nano particles ever created were theorized long before their realization. The most notable example of this is the Bucky-ball a spherical Fullerene molecule with the formula Carbon 60 or C60. The molecule gets its name from one of the pioneers of Geodesics, Buckminster Fuller. C60 was first generated in 1985 by Harold Kroto (Buckminsterfullerene). While it has been around for a relatively long time compared to some of the other nano materials, no commercialized applications for C60 currently exist even though it has highly unique properties.

 Due to their extraordinary properties scientist believe 
Carbon Nano Tubes can be used to create an elevator to space.

            Similar to Bucyballs, Carbon Nano Tubes or CNTs are tube-like structures rather than spherical. Made from the same materials as Buckyballs, CNT’s exhibit properties that make them the strongest, lightest and most conductive material known (Carbon nanotube).  CNT’s are 200x the strength and offer 5x the elasticity of steel. CNT’s also offer 5x the electrical conductivity, 15x the thermal conductivity and 1,000 the current capacity of copper (  Because of their amazing strength to weight ratio it has been theorized that a possible application for CNT’s would be to build a space elevator capable of transporting payloads into space at a fraction of the cost of conventional rocket missions (Tyson). Other potential applications range from biomedical, electrical circuits, textiles and solar cells (Hollingham)
Graphene is thin, strong, flexible and electrically 
conductive making applications nearly endless.

            Another revolutionary material is a 2D lattice composed of graphite, an allotrope of carbon (Coldewey). The material is called Graphene and it is currently the thinnest known material in the universe. While thin the material is measured at over 150x stronger than the second strongest recorded material. Oddly enough, Graphene is also flexible and can stretch over 120% its initial length (Colapinto). This rare combination of strength and flexibility make Graphene a natural choice for several future applications. Additionally Graphene is highly conductive and could lead to entirely new forms of flexible circuit boards. The number one limiting factor at this point is ability to manufacture and the proper application of the technology.  

            Combined all of these materials have the ability to forever change our technology and the way we lead our lives. Similar to the impact that the invention of plastics had on manufacturing, nano materials composed of carbon and graphite could entirely redefine our technology, energy and space exploration.

"Buckminsterfullerene." Wikipedia. Web. 9 Oct. 2015. <>. 

Tyson, Neil deGrasse. "The Space Elevator." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 3 Jul. 2007. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.

Hollingham, Richard. "Space elevators: Going up?”, 18 Nov 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2015. <>.

"The strongest, lightest and most conductive material known.”, Web. 9 Oct 2015. <>.

"Carbon nanotube." Wikipedia. Web. 9 Oct. 2015. <>. 

Colapinto, John. "Material Question.”, 22 Dec 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2015. <>.

Coldewey, Devin. " 'Wonder Material' Graphene Is Just Getting Started, Researchers Say.”, 4 Nov 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2015. <>.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Future of Computing

The first iPhone, already obsolete by today's standards.

           When Apple released the first iPhone; it was hailed as a technological marvel because for the first time a computer, camera, music player, email and the Internet could fit in in the palm of your hand and be activated by a seamless touch screen interface. This advancement was made possible by the products, which had come before it. Sure, there were previous MP3 players, point and shoot cameras, and even other cellphones but they were all separate devices and at best other cell phones integrated only one or two of the aforementioned features. The ability to add more features into a smaller package was fueled in part by Moore’s Law and how the individual components keep getting smaller, faster and more energy efficient (Wöhrl). The computing world is changing so rapidly that the electronic landscape looks nothing like it did when the first iPhone was released which was just in 2007!

 Moore's Law

            There is just one problem with the rapid technological growth and expansion that we are experiencing though and that is that it’s unsustainable. Along with the growth rate predictions, Moore’s Law also indicates that advancements will become harder to achieve and the gains will also reduce in significance with each passing achievement (Wikipedia). Most of the initial advancements came from one of two places 1.) Shrinking components or 2.) Materials advancements. But as we run out of new materials to try and we reach a plateau of how small we can reliable make classical computing components we are beginning to hit a wall. Feynman’s lecture on nanotechnology was titled “There’s plenty of room at the bottom,” so what happened?

Richard Feynman, one of the founding fathers of Nanotechnology
            The reality is that there is still plenty or room at the bottom, but there isn’t enough room just above the bottom; or at least that space isn’t worth utilizing. As we miniaturize components it is clear that the smallest size transistor possible would be a single atom using its electron spin to store data; a quantum computer (Wöhrl). With that end goal in sight it becomes easier to focus our efforts on achieving this challenge than to continue to working on increasingly marginalized advancements. There is more to why quantum computers are the future than just the reduction in size. Traditional or classic computers use bits to store data in binary code with 1’s and 0’s. Two bits are required to store data in the format 00, 01, 11 and 10 (PD Knowledge). But because of the quantum nature of electrons and spin states, these qubits have the ability to be both-spin up, spin-down and several degrees in-between the two, this is called superposition (Quantum Computing). This makes quantum computers run on an entirely different base math system. An example of how this would impact calculations would be similar to cracking a password composed of letters versus numbers. When using numbers there are only 10 possible options, but with letters there are 26, so naturally guessing a password composed of letters is exponentially harder compared to numbers and the difficulty increases along with the password. Qubits abilities to represent multiple spin states at the same time allows calculations to run more complex calculations and to carry out those calculations in parallel. This means answers can be generated in a fraction of a time compared to classical computers.

Quantum computers can solve difficult problems at high speed

            To represent the benefits of quantum computing over classic computing is the to attempt to crack RSA-2048 Encryption. Cracking RSA-2048 requires finding prime numbers that where multiplied together to equal the final encrypted hash. With a classical such a task would take 1 billion years, but with a quantum computer the task would take a mere 100 seconds (Svore)! The benefits of quantum computers are astronomical in size and show why there is such a push to develop the technology further, but with every new technology there are significant roadblocks. Some of these difficulties include building the chips, storing the data, reading the data back, trapping the spin state electron and not to mention that the entire device must be run at 10 mil-Kelvin which is approximately 100 times colder than interstellar space (DWave Systems)

 DWave Systems quantum computer runs at 10 mil-Kelvin

           Even though quantum computers use nanotechnology and are composed of atoms, the devices are anything but small in size. Current quantum computers take up entire rooms and are vastly expensive to build and operate, but that has always been the history of computer and technology. The Eniac computer from 1946 took up an entire room; it took over 60 years to commercialize, miniaturize and develop that technology until it was portable enough to power your iPhone. With quantum computers we are witnessing the birth of future computing, but it will take time until they are ready to fit into you pocket or to power you iPad.

 Eniac computer 1946


Wöhrl, Nicolas. "Introduction to Quantum Computers." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 8 Nov. 2014. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.


PD Knowledge. "Quantum Computer in a Nutshell." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 11 Oct. 2014. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.

Svore, Krysta. "Quantum Computing: Transforming the Digital Age." <>. YouTube. YouTube, 9 Jun. 2015. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.

"Quantum computing." Wikipedia. Web. 9 Oct. 2015. <>. 
Welcome to the Future” Dwave Systems. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.

"Moore's Law." Wikipedia. Web. 9 Oct. 2015. <'s_law>.